The Flowers
Represent YOUR journey!
Our flower isn’t just a fashion statement — it’s a symbol of connection that gets to the heart of why you run.
Our entire movement — over 30,000 women strong! — started because 14 women put orange gerber daisies in their hair before running a half marathon together. During that race — and in hundreds of races since — our flower has become an unmistakable symbol of intention and connection. When women see each other on the course and notice the flower, it creates an instant bond and sense of togetherness.
There are 13 different colors of flowers, and each carries a different meaning: Courage, bravery, strength, friendship, gratitude, truth, resilience, commitment, joy, or simply a belief that you are worthy of the journey.
Some women have a go-to color, others alternate between their favorite two or three, while some find their intentions for hitting the pavement change frequently. There are women who wear a color in honor of a friend or family member, and those who reach for a flower because the message aligns with an important cause or organization.
Whatever its color, the flower has become a powerful way for women to unite, support and belong within our community. The flower is a symbol that has nothing to do with your age, your body type, your goal or your pace; it tears down barriers and shines a light in the places where we are all connected. The flower reminds us — especially when our insecurities make us feel isolated — that we are not alone.
Which color represents your journey? Which message honors the reason you move?
Find your flower here.