Declare It Day

Calling all goal-getters!
It’s time to declare a goal that gets you feeling your very best and nudges you closer to your full potential. Declare It Day is our annual day of goal setting, with inspiration, motivation, accountability and support that has seen thousands of women step boldly into their unique story and reach incredible dreams.
Here’s how it works …
Step one: Choose your goal. It can be big, small, your next logical step or a great wild leap. All that matters is that it’s calling to YOU and that NOW is the time to make it happen!
Next, consider the Declare It Day theme. Our mantra for 2025 is JUST WATCH ME. Think about your goal and get honest about the challenges (or excuses) that could sideline you. Then get proactive and creative in thinking up solutions to nip these challenges in the bud.
When you’re ready, fill out your declaration. We have luxe printed declarations ready for you to receive and sign. Or you can opt for a free digital version. But do not skip the declaration! Putting pen to paper and writing out your big, beautiful dreams is powerful stuff. Click here to find both versions!
If you want additional inspiration, grab a Just Watch Me sweatshirt, mug, journal, magnet or sticker. Click here to shop!
Then, get ready to celebrate! Declare It Day 2025 takes place on Saturday, February 1, and we’ll be gathering on the FFCrew page to share and cheer one another on toward our goals. Barbara has some fun plans in store, and she’ll be sharing details. (Not yet a member of the FFCrew? Join for free here.)
Let’s talk goals …
Why do goals matter? Because they offer an invitation to our potential. They require us to write down our dreams and they create opportunities for growth.
So saying a goal out loud and writing it down seems relatively simple, right?
Here’s what we know from talking with thousands of you over the past few years: It’s the why you are doing it, the what self-doubts you must overcome and the how you will get it done that is the real work, both physically and mentally.
Here are some helpful tips on mapping out your goals:
– Consider your comfort zone. If where you currently are (in life, in running, in work, whatever) isn’t working or you’re feeling stuck, overwhelmed or distracted, take a step back and assess your comfort zone. You might be in the rut, the routine of ‘this is what I do and this is what I know.’ Sometimes, if we evaluate this space BEFORE leaping into anything new, we get our best lessons. You don’t have to reach for the stars, but we encourage you to step out of your comfort zone, rut or routine, even if it’s just one step.
– Address your fears head on. When we quit hiding and start working with our fears, the braver we get. You may have to challenge some old ways of thinking, habits that hook you out of progress, and anxieties that talk you out of doing the work required.
– Make it about you. What do YOU want for the year ahead? Don’t chase someone else’s dream or goal, and most certainly do NOT do what someone else believes is good for you. Focus on what you need instead of making comparisons. Who cares if someone next to you is chasing something big? If your needs are different, own it. This is your story to write!
– Create accountability partners. Who is in your celebration circle? Who has a seat in your #girlsquad? These are the people who will cheer you on, celebrate your wins and have your back throughout the journey.
– Give yourself milestone dates. If that scares you, think of them more as rest stops along the journey when you assess how you’re doing. Do you need more support? Do you need to re-evaluate? Do you need to work harder? Resist being vague as to protect yourself from potential failure. Be specific.
– How will you celebrate the little wins? The end goal will be amazingly gratifying, but also consider how you will celebrate the journey of little wins along the way.
– You can have more than one goal, but consider how they support your bigger story. If you are struggling to narrow down a ton of possibilities or simply feeling overwhelmed, ask yourself: When I look back on this year, what will my story be? After you write out the goals you want to accomplish — big or small — identify the one that is your first domino to fall. There is often a high-leverage goal that is sort of the lynchpin that makes all the other goals easier and more possible. (HINT: It may not the most fun or glamorous one.) Start here, and allow everything else to be icing on the cake.
This can be the year you make your biggest dreams come true. We can’t wait to watch you do it!