Our Commitment to Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

From its inception, Made to Move has acknowledged the barriers that often prevent women, and specifically women from marginalized groups, from running and racing — and is committed to working to remove them.
We believe all women deserve access to the physical, mental and emotional benefits that come from running, racing and being a valued member of a running community. We cannot in good faith create and produce a running event unless these barriers to participation are addressed and alleviated.
We are focusing on barriers related to racial inequities and discrimination, LGBTQ+ inequities and discrimination, socioeconomic constraints and maternal health and motherhood so that every woman will feel welcome, safe and able to show up, as her full and true self, and participate in Made to Move and its related events.
But creating such an experience — one that has yet to exist in the running community — requires thinking differently, acting bolding, creating explicit and authentic invitations and partnering with organizations that share and support our vision.
Our goal is that women who have traditionally had to advocate for their voices to be heard, their hardships to be understood and their story to feel included will know they belong at Made to Move.